Saturday, January 6, 2018

Early Bird Special


That is what Joanna says every time we are sleeping and we have an earthquake. It cracks me up because most of the time I've already woken up and assessed the situation. We had two earthquakes yesterday morning (actually three) and they were two different kinds from two different places. The first one happened at 12:59 AM and it was a rolling type of earthquake. We are on the sixth floor of an apartment building and we swayed back and forth for awhile. The earthquake was in Chiba which is near Tokyo and was a 4.8 magnitude.

There was a 4.4 magnitude earthquake closer to us that happened at 4:41 AM but we didn't feel it.

Then we were woken up at 5:51 AM by another earthquake that was closer and on the other side of the peninsula from where we live. It was a 4.6 magnitude earthquake and it was the jolting kind. For those of you who have grown up with earthquakes then you know what I'm talking about.

I've lived with earthquakes all of my life living in Southern California and Japan and they don't bother me. The largest one that I remember was the 1971 San Fernando earthquake which was about a 6.5 magnitude quake and I remember telling my grandmother that I was awake because she always shook me awake to get me out of bed in the morning. I looked up and she wasn't shaking me but my whole room was shaking and she was at the door yelling at me to stay in bed. That was a crazy one and I still remember it even though I was pretty young. I know I'll feel more, living in Japan and when we have one, it makes me check on our earthquake kit to make sure we have enough in there in case of a large quake. One store that I go to has an earthquake preparedness section and I always make sure to pick something up to put in the kit. You can never be over prepared!

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