I have been sick all month with a cough and a cold. Been to our family doctor three times and today the Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. I have slept, ate well and slept. Taken the last two days off of work and still feel....sick. Lots of things on my mind, like my mom, my kids, my husband, finances, my job, my students OH! and my health!
I forgot to wish Januck "Happy Birthday" because I was sick to my stomach on the morning of his birthday and was trying to get to work on a Sunday for a School Bazaar. It was shameful!
The best thing out of it was talking with both of my kids and them giving me phone hugs and kisses. Also, my husband has being super understanding, my boss sent me home and my teacher friend was willing to deliver anything to my front door!
My goal is to get better for my birthday at the end of the week because it is a Japanese national holiday-Culture Day and it is connected to a weekend this time. YAY!
Side note about the doctor- an elderly man in the waiting room was there for his flu shot and was practicing his Tai Chi movements in his seat and an elderly blinded woman was trying to fill out a questionnaire and almost asked me to read the Japanese on her form before she got a good look at me. I got poked with an IV 3 TIMES!!! before the vitamin water the doctor prescribed was finally in my body- I was crying but not really- tears were just coming out of my eyes and I didn't really care. They called in my medicine because the nurses felt so bad and told me to rest. Today, at the ENT I got my nose flushed out and still cannot smell or taste.
But all in all- I'm good! Want to celebrate Halloween with my students tomorrow and have been encouraged by my daughter today!
Lots of medicine!