Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Sports Day

Every year in Japan most schools have a Sports Day where the school is divided into two groups and they participate in events to gain points and the team with the most points wins Sports Day. Our Sports Day was held on a Saturday. Some of the events include a dash, tug of war, bar relay, a cavalry game, and team relays just to name a few. At our school, we have a red team and a white team and the white team won 277 to 243 which came down to the last event. It is so much fun watching the students compete and it takes a lot of work but it is well worth it!

The sea of canopies where the parents set up for the day.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


   The store that I wish would come to Japan is TARGET.  When Januck and I visit the U.S. we can visit five or six times in one day.  I don't think most Americans know the convenience of this store.
I don't even buy that much.  Just to look up and down the aisles of candy or bed sheets is a JOY.
   In Japan, we have a store called Seiyu that compares to Walmart and ESPOT that compares to a store like Target- but not really.  I guess being 6'0" and a shoe size of 10, it really limits me to what I can buy at these stores.
   So I dream of shopping at Target and enjoy it the most when I return to the States.  Don't take it for granted!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Baby Girl Did It!

This is our first entry of our new blog! Our old blog is a family blog and since both kids are away now, we decided to start a new one with just the two of us.

Rachel graduated last Saturday and we are so proud of her!